Monday, April 20, 2009

Thing 25

I had a bunch of trouble trying to get to this point. I updated my "old" blog, but not the template, so I couldn't find the layout. It took alot of help screens to figure out that I also had to update the template. I seem to have to do things the long way around. But I did enjoy setting up the Animoto gadget--I'll use that in the library blog. I linked this blog to the Winthrop Library blog, set up Clustrmaps, and for the 4th thing to do on this Thing, I found the photo resizer site. This was great! I have a patron who has been trying to figure out how she can do this, and now I'll be able to help her with this. So even though I was going to just give up on this year of Things, I'm glad I tried again. (I also had trouble trying to separate this blog from the library blog--it took many tries and help screens with that, and then when I signed up for the Things, something happened that I didn't get signed up--and I thought this year would be easier !??)

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